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The smart contract blocks iDNA until the specified oracle voting result is known. Once the voting at the referenced OracleVoting smart contract is finished, anyone can call the checkOracleVoting method and then the push method which sends the blocked coins to one of the two addresses:

  • Success address: if the result on the OracleVoting smart contract matches the expected Value.
  • Fail address: in all other cases.

Both addresses have to be specified beforehand.

Use case#

The contractor promises to complete the work by a certain date. The customer creates an oracle voting in order for oracles to vote in the future whether the work is done. The customer blocks the money on the OracleLock contract. If the result of oracle voting confirms that the work is done, the money is transferred to the contractor. Otherwise, the money is sent back to the customer.


OracleLock states#

  • locked: the initial state of the smart contract.
  • unlocked_success: the result on the OracleVoting smart contract matches the expected Value.
  • unlocked_failed: the result on the OracleVoting smart contract does not match the expected Value.

Only the checkOracleVoting method can change the state of the OracleLock smart contract.

Smart contract data#

The following smart contract data can be read using the contract_readData method:

  • oracleVotingAddr (hex)
  • value (byte)
  • successAddr (hex)
  • failAddr (hex)
  • owner(hex)
  • isOracleVotingFinished (byte)
  • hasVotedValue(byte)
  • voted (byte)


contract_deploy and contract_estimateDeploy methods#

See static parameters for the methods here.

Dynamic args parameter:

  1. OracleVoting (hex): the referred OracleVoting smart contract address.
  2. Value (byte): the expected voting result value on the referred OracleVoting smart contract (0, 1, 2...)
  3. Success address (hex): the destination address for sending the all the locked coins if the Value matches the voting result. The parameter is mandatory.
  4. Fail address (hex): the destination address for sending the all locked coins if the Value does not match the voting result. The parameter is mandatory.


"method": "contract_deploy",
"params": [
"from": "<Address>",
"codeHash": "0x03",
"amount": 1240,
"maxFee": 123,
"args": [
"index": 0,
"format": "hex",
"value": "<OracleVoting smart contract address>"
"index": 1,
"format": "byte",
"value": "0"
"index": 2,
"format": "hex",
"value": "<Address>"
"index": 3,
"format": "hex",
"value": "<Address>"
"id": 1,
"key": "<api key>"

checkOracleVoting method#

When the voting result becomes known in the referred OracleVoting smart contract, the checkOracleVoting method can be called. Otherwise an error will be returned. The checkOracleVoting method can be called by anyone.

The checkOracleVoting method changes the initial state of the smart contract locked to:

  • unlocked_success: if the result on the OracleVoting smart contract matches the expected Value.
  • unlocked_failed: if the result on the OracleVoting smart contract does not match the expected Value.

See static parameters for the call method here.

"method": "contract_call",
"params": [
"from": "<Address>",
"contract": "<Address>",
"method": "checkOracleVoting",
"maxFee": 1
"id": 1,
"key": "<API key>"

push method#

The push method can be called only when the state of the smart contract is unlocked_success or unlocked_failed. Otherwise an error will be returned. The push method can be called by anyone. The method can be called multiple times if needed.

All coins deposited at the OracleLock smart contract are transferred to the Success address or the Failed address.

See static parameters for the call method here.

"method": "contract_call",
"params": [
"from": "<Address>",
"contract": "<Address>",
"method": "push",
"maxFee": 1
"id": 1,
"key": "<API key>"

terminate method#

The terminate method can be called only when the balance of the smart contract address is zero.

See static parameters for the terminate method here.

Dynamic args parameter:

  1. Destination address (hex): determines the address to which 50% of the staked coins will be transferred.


"method": "contract_terminate",
"params": [
"from": "<Sender address>",
"contract": "<Smart contract address>",
"maxFee": 1,
"args": [
"index": 0,
"format": "hex",
"value": "<Destination address>"
"id": 1,
"key": "<api key>"