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Smart contract methods#

Node RPC call example:

curl -X POST --data '{
"params": [
"from": "0x...",
"contract": "0x...",
"method": "transfer",
"args": [
"index": 0,
"format": "hex",
"value": "0xcbb98....91"
"index": 1,
"format": "dna",
"value": "1000"

Smart contract methods may have a dynamic list of parameters args that is specific to each smart contract:

"index": 0,
"format": "hex",
"value" : "0x11"
"index": 1,
"format": "uint64",
"value" : "11"
  • Index: index of parameter
  • Format: format of parameter byte, uint64, string, bigint, hex (default), dna (float representation).
  • Value: parameter value interpreted according to the specified format

contract_deploy and contract_estimateDeploy methods#

Method contract_deploy creates DeployTx transaction to deploy a smart contract specified by CodeHash. Use contract_estimateDeploy to estimate gas consumption of the contract_deploy transaction.


  • from: sender address
  • codeHash: predefined smart contract code
  • amount: amount of coins that will be blocked at the smart contract stake
  • args: dynamic list of parameters relevant to the specified smart contract
  • maxFee: must cover a sum of txFee+gasCost (see more about maxFee)


"method": "contract_estimateDeploy",
"params": [
"from": "<address>",
"codeHash": "0x01",
"amount": 1100,
"maxFee": 1,
"args": [
"index": 0,
"format": "uint64",
"value": "0"
"id": 1,
"key": "<key>"

contract_call and contract_estimateCall methods#

Method contract_call creates CallTx transaction to call a smart contract's method. Use contract_estimateCall method to estimate gas consumption of the contract_call transaction.


  • from: sender address
  • contract: smart contract address
  • method: smart contract's method to call
  • amount: amount of coins transferred to the smart contract address
  • args: dynamic list of parameters relevant to specified smart contract's method
  • broadcastBlock: block number when a postponed transaction should be published by the node


"method": "contract_estimateCall",
"params": [
"from": "<sender address>",
"contract": "<smart contract address>",
"method": "transfer",
"amount": 123,
"maxFee": 1,
"args": [
"index": 0,
"format": "hex",
"value": "<address>"
"index": 1,
"format": "dna",
"value": "123"
"id": 1,
"key": "<key>"

contract_terminate and contract_estimateTerminate methods#

Method contract_terminate creates TerminateTx transaction to terminate the smart contract. Use contract_estimateTerminate method to estimates gas consumption of the contract_terminate transaction.


  • from: sender address
  • contract: smart contract address
  • args: dynamic list of parameters relevant to specified smart contract's method


"method": "contract_estimateTerminate",
"params": [
"from": "<sender address>",
"contract": "<smart contract address>",
"maxFee": 1,
"args": [
"index": 0,
"format": "hex",
"value": "<Destination address>"

contract_readData method#

Returns requested data of the smart contract's state.


  • contract: smart contract address
  • key: key of the requested data
  • format: data format


"method": "contract_readData",
"params": [
"<smart contract address>",

contract_iterateMap method#

Returns requested array data (map) of the smart contract's state and continuation token to iterate the data.


  • contract: smart contract address
  • map: the name of the requested array data (see maps available for the specific smart contract)
  • continuationToken: iteration token should be null for the first call
  • keyFormat: key format of the requested array data
  • valueFormat: data format of the requested array data


"method": "contract_iterateMap",
"params": [
"<smart contract address>",
"addr", //map name
null, //continuationToken
"hex", //keyFormat
"hex", //valueFormat

contract_readMap method#

Returns requested value for the given key from the array data (map) of the smart contract's state.


  • contract: smart contract address
  • map: the name of the requested array data (see maps available for the specific smart contract)
  • key: key of the requested array data
  • valueFormat: data format of the requested array data


"method": "contract_readMap",
"params": [
"<smart contract address>",
"0x725....70", //key in the array data

contract_readonlyCall method#

Calls specified smart contract's method without changing the state.


  • contract: smart contract address
  • method: key of the requested data
  • format: data format
  • args: dynamic list of parameters


"method": "contract_readonlyCall",
"params": [
"contract": "<smart contract address>",
"method": "getHash",
"format": "hex",
"args": [
"index": 0,
"format": "hex",
"value": "123"

contract_getStake method#

Returns amount of coins blocked at the stake of the smart contract


  • Contract: smart contract address


"method": "contract_getStake",
"params": [
"<smart contract address>"

bcn_txReceipt method#

Returns receipt of the specified transaction


  • hash: transaction hash


"method": "bcn_txReceipt",
"params": [
"<transaction hash>"

Response example:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": {
"contract": "...",
"method": "...",
"success": false,
"gasUsed": 200,
"txHash": "0x217...",
"error": "index out of range",
"gasCost": "0.00032916392364",
"txFee": "0.002320605661662"


  • index out of range: args array has a missing element with required index.

contract_events method#

Returns the list of events of the specified smart contract


  • contract: smart contract address


"method": "contract_events",
"params": [
"contract": "<smart contract address>"

contract_subscribeToEvent and contract_unsubscribeFromEvent methods#

Subscribes/unsubscribes from the specified event of the smart contract


  • contract: smart contract address
  • event: event name


"method": "contract_subscribeToEvent",
"params": [
"<smart contract address>",
"<event name>"

bcn_feePerGas method#

The method returns the current GasPrice.


"method": "bcn_feePerGas",
"params": [],
"id": 1,
"key": "<API key>"